1. What is the greenhouse effect?
2. What are the princvipal causes of the greenhouse effect?
3. What will occur if the global temperature increasing day by day?
4. What is the threat to Bangladesh?
5. How we can take measures to reduce the problem?
Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without this atmosphere. The green house effect is a threat for the existing human beings, animals, plant and above all, all the phenomena of the world. It is associated with the global warming. The temperature of the world is increasing gradually. Carbon Dioxide is the main culprit which is being deposited gradually in atmosphere. It is generally produce when fossil fuel is burn. Carbon dioxide entraps the heat in the atmosphere as a result the temperature of the world is on the increase. CFC contributes devastatingly to the green house effect. The refrigerator which is used in our daily life is also producing CFC. CFCs are also mostly responsible for greenhouse effect, used in the production of merchandise, commercial packaging, aerosols, etc. The adverse effects of the greenhouse are very catastrophic. It is feared that the world temperature will rise by 4 degrees Celsius during the next century. Polar ice caps have started to melt. The sea level is rising. As a result, the lower regions of the world will go underwater, and the southern regions of Bangladesh will also go underwater. This catastrophic disaster must be tested. It should be done to save our existence
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