Computer Or Use Of Computer
1. What is a computer?
2. How was the computer invented feel How
does the computer work?
3. How many kinds of works can we do with a computer?
4. What type of life do we lead nowadays for the invention of the computer?
5. How has it changed our life and then the world?

A computer is an electronic machine that can store, organize and find
information, do calculations play music and games and control other machines.
It also can perform many other functions. It has no capacity to do anything by
itself. It works on the basis of commands given by the operator invention of the computer has a long history. It was not invented overnight. It took a long time
and hard labour to invent the computer. A computer has five major components. They
are the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit and the
arithmetic unit: A computer performs three basic functions. Firstly, it
receives data. Secondly, it processes data by various computations, and thirdly
it emits data. It helps us do our gigantic and complex works within a
surprisingly short time. It can also help us find out data and information. It
has eased modern life to a considerable extent. We watch many recreational
programmes on it at our leisure period. So, it helps us in many ways making our
work easy and enjoyable. We can study computer in different institutions both
at home and abroad. If we just want to know the elementary uses of computer, we
can take the help of any renowned computer training centre. But if we want to
have or gain a greater idea of the con we should get ourselves admitted to a university
to study computer science. Nowadays at every institution, both govt. and
non-govt., such as bank and insurance, commercial enterprises. retailers,
offices, educational sectors, medical science etc., the computer is a must. It is
like Aladin's lamp. We cannot go for a single moment without computers. It is now
part and parcel of our daily life.
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